Job searching just got easier with purejobs. Find a job with Twitter takes alot of hassle out of the whole search by receiving your own personalised jobs tweets via Twitter.
- Our job tweets will be sent daily
- No endless streams of irrelevant jobs like other Twitter job services
- Keep your job hunting private from the rest of your followers/work colleagues/boss by using Direct Messaging
- Receive useful advice tweets to help you with your job search
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What is Twitter then?
Twitter's a social networking website, thats allows real-time short messaging service that gives you 140 characters to tell the world – or just your friends – what you're up to or thinking about.
It's a good way of staying in touch with friends or keeping up to date with topics that interest you. It can also be a great way to find a new job. Here is how it works.
The Purejobs guide to Twitter and finding a job on Twitter
There are several job hunting services on Twitter but Jobsite does it a little differently. Most will send you a stream of jobs, but offer little in the way of matching the jobs to your own requirements. It's a bit like searching for a needle in the proverbial haystack.
Purejobs, however, is all about making job hunting as easy as possible. That's why we'll only send you jobs that match your needs. We'll make sure your Twitter jobs are for the right kind of role, in the right location and for the right salary.

We'll send you your jobs via Direct Message on Twitter. This will keep your job hunting private. When you see a job you like, you can simply apply for is using your usual Purejobs account.
To set up a Jobs tweet
> If you haven't already, set up an account on Twitter and click the 'follow' button on the Purejobs page.
> Check your Twitter inbox for a Direct Message from Purejobs and click the link to set up your job tweets
> Check our jobs recommendations or amend the search information and confirm you're happy with the types of jobs we're going to send you
> Sit back and wait for the tweets!
To change your search
If you want to search for different types of jobs you can easily change your job tweets:
> Login to your Twitter account and click the Direct Messages link in the right hand column
> Select 'PurejobSearch' from the drop down list
> Type 'Edit' in the text box and send to us as a Direct Message
> We'll send you a Direct Message back with a new link to set up a new search
To stop receiving jobs
> Login to your Twitter account
> Search for 'PureJobSearch' and 'unfollow' us
Don't delay - set up your job tweets today at
Get the most out of your page:
• Make your Twitter presence “employer-friendly”
o Put your job pitch in your Twitter bio (which is 160 characters)
o Use a professional looking avatar
o Tweet about your job search
• Utilize your Twitter background. There’s lots of space you can use to promote yourself. Don’t know how to create a professional-looking Twitter background? Use this free template to design your own.
• Include a link to an online CV or resume in your bio. Use a tool like VisualCV. (For more information on building an online resume, see Dan Schawbel’s post HOW TO: Build the Ultimate Social Media Resume)
• Establish yourself as an expert in your field on Twitter. It’s important to note that you should notmisrepresent yourself. If you’re not a medical doctor, don’t play one on Twitter. As those on Twitter become interested in your content, when employers are looking at you, you’ll have more than just your resume to back up your knowledge and experience.
“It’s about who you know”
How do you get to know the right people? It’s not always about who you’re looking for, some people on Twitter are actually looking for YOU.
There are many job recruiters who use Twitter to look for potential candidates. Before contacting a recruiter via Twitter, check out:
• Their bio
• Follower/Following ratio (Have they been around a while? Do they follow people back?)
• Click the link to their website
• Ask others in your network whether or not the recruiter is a credible source